Featured New Single

Chapter 3
Streaming Now
To Our Fans
Since 2019, we have been putting our hearts and souls into making this next chapter memorable and creating a foundation we can build upon for years. The last few years have been a long road for everyone, and all of us in See This Through are no exception.
Countless hours, days, weeks, and months (years, really) of planning and execution to exhaustion have led to this moment. Delays. Setbacks. Tragedy. Triumph. These things and more make up the story of what brings us to this moment today.
We look forward to sharing this story with you while on this journey.
The most important thing that kept us going through the challenges and triumphs was our love for creating music… and you. Remaining faithful to ourselves is something we strive to accomplish each time we get to work. Everything we do depends on that. Doing so keeps us honest with ourselves and with you, our fans. And you know what? We wouldn’t have it any other way.
Cheers to a new beginning as we set forth on this new journey. We hope you enjoy the ride we’ve been putting together for you over the last few years.
Thank you for listening to our music and staying in touch with us. We look forward to doing this for years and would be honored to do so with you by our side.
See This Through